Light For The Future serves children and their families by providing educational opportunities to break the cycle of generational poverty.

What is Light For the Future Ministries?


Luz Para El Futuro, Inc. (Light for the Future Ministries), was started by Richard and Melissa Jefferson in 2012. This organization’s mission is to supply education to marginalized children who live in impoverished neighborhoods in Guatemala City, Guatemala. These children live in the garbage dump, and their families scavenge through the garbage for items to recycle. They make the equivalent on $1-$2 a day to feed their families. There are approximately 11,000 marginalized children that live in the area surrounding the landfill.

This ministry was started, primarily, as an English Program . We believe by learning English and other educational skills, children have the opportunity to escape a life of poverty. Luz Para El Futuro’s primary mission has been to serve the children and their families by providing educational opportunities to break the cycle of generational poverty.

Public education is inferior and is plagued with inadequately trained teachers and over-crowded and poorly equipped classrooms. For these reasons, Luz Para El Futuro Education Program sponsors children for a better education in private schools. These schools gives the children an opportunity to get higher quality education, and provides them a hope of furthering their education.


Vacation Bible School

For a week in June, we had a Vacation Bible School (VBS) with the younger students in our afterschool English program. They were allowed to bring a friend to the VBS. We averaged 35 students for the week. The biggest blessing of the week was seeing the high school students from our school being part of the VBS. They were instrumental in the success of the VBS. THEY were the ones who took over teaching music and leading the dance moves to the younger students. The biggest blessing was watching them love on the young students. God is great!

Guatemalan School

In 2020, children in developing countries lost of year of education. Students were sent home with packets of information and told to teach themselves. These children do not have the access to the internet. Most of their parent did not complete the 5th grade. They were lost.