February 2022 Newsletter


February Newsletter

Hello Family and Friends,

Happy February! So sorry we did not get a newsletter out last month. It was busy, as we started our 2nd year of our school. The year has started well.  This year, we have 16 students.  We have added three new students from last year. We are blessed to have sponsors and new computers for our new students!  God has been good, and has once again provided for all our needs! Marisol is our new teacher.  She has been an awesome addition to our program, and she has added maturity and discipline in the classroom.  She brings direction and structure for the classroom.  Additionally, we have a gentleman who comes in once a week.  He teaches the students building skills, and how to work with tools. The kids are still receiving English every day, and art class from our friend in Florida.  We have added Martial Arts to the curriculum.

Three students will be graduating from our school this year.  We are VERY excited about this. We were able to provide vocational testing to these students to see what they may be interested in studying after they graduate, and what skills they need to work on for the rest of the year to be able to accomplish this!
We have begun our English and Bible classes for the younger students this month. We are SO excited that Jenny, who graduated from our program is now in charge of teaching these classes.  In addition to our volunteers, four of our high school students are helping the younger children with these classes. What a blessing that their English is good enough to help the younger students with theirs!
Another great thing that happened this month was that on Feb 15th, we were able to provide a field trip for the kids from our school. They went to a park called Florecncia. At the park, they played soccer, and basketball. They ate lunch and shared a cake.  After lunch, they exchanged Valentines gifts.  For American children going to a park is routine.  However, when you live in the city garbage dump, this is a huge treat! Thank you all who give finances that made this possible.
We are planning to take a team to Guatemala June 4-11 this year. We will work with our students at the school and we will do a Vacation Bible School for the younger students.  We would love for you to join us.  No experience, or Spanish needed. Just a love for kids, and a desire to share God’s love with others. Please let us know if you, or anyone you know would like to join us.
God bless you and your families,
Richard and Melissa Jefferson
Light for the Future Ministries
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